Racing Madrid marked its 110th anniversary in grand fashion, under the leadership of Racing City...
Racing City Group hosted a successful Legends Match in Los Angeles featuring Italy’s 2006 World Cup...
We are excited to announce a strategic partnership with First Coincidence, founded by Antonio...
Racing City Group has announced the appointment of Evaristo Beccalossi as the new Director of U17...
We are thrilled to announce that Mario Rangel, a distinguished Mexican businessman, has joined us as...
Racing Murcia eagerly welcomes its new president, Javier Antonio Ruiz Anitua, heralding a new era of...
Renowned TV personality Russell Peters has embarked on a new venture, stepping into the world of...
Racing City Group is delighted to announce a significant addition to our esteemed board of...
Prepare for an unprecedented journey! The Racing Madrid Football Club, brought back to life in 2021...